Chubb PRS - Uncover the Other side

The Project: Chubb PRS had created a thought leadership piece about communicating between generations with the aim of improving sales for their agents and brokers. They asked outré creative to create a campaign to promote their latest thought piece and promote the webinar.

My Role: I worked as the lead strategist for this campaign, researching the topic and pulling together the strategy. I came up the with cross-generational campaign idea of “Uncover the other side” and pitched it to the client. The included image is an example o the concept, it’s the same faced, just aged and each has a stereotypical expression about different generations. They loved it as did the target audience. The webinar received the highest number of registrars in the department’s history.


Chubb insurance - US open

The Project: Chubb had a US Open campaign planned and ready to go, howver they had to switch it up at the last minute. They approached outré creative and asked us to come up with a campaign for them to use that incorporated their existing copy “stay a step ahead.”

My Role: I worked with the design lead to come up with a strapline that worked with their existing copy, showed the strengths of Chubb and worked with the US Open. We created “Insurance that gives you the advantage”, with a series of images that showed the tennis court giving the player the advantage by lowering the net, or changing the location of the lines.


allianz trade - insight. outsight. foresight.

The Project: Allianz Trade approached outré creative to create the strategy, copy and design for their latest campaign.

My Role: I was the lead on the project. My contributions included, putting the strategy and pitch deck together, pitching the idea, creating the tagline, writing the majority of the material (infographics, fact sheets, emails, social posts, video scripts and liaising on the deign.

The Results: 3 million video impressions, 12% video completion, 25% email open rate and 5% click-through rate, over 300 MQLs.

We built an interactive ‘STEMISPHERE’ to show connections in the world of scientific discovery.

We built an interactive ‘STEMISPHERE’ to show connections in the world of scientific discovery.


The Project: Randstad had a problem, they wanted to promote STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) but were worried that many people would find it boring and too abstract. They would inevitably be met with the question, “well, what has STEM ever done for me.”

We wanted to visualise what exactly STEM has done for everyone. For this campaign I asked our data team to use AI and machine learning to find a bunch of seemingly unrelated scientific discoveries and create a map of how they are related. For example, thanks to Stephen Hawking’s innovative work on black holes back in the 1970s we now have WiFi.

My Role: I was the strategist, wrote a majority of the copy in the supporting articles, visualised how it would look, and directed the video that went along with the creative.



The Project: Hamilton Fraser (Landlord insurance) came to us and asked us if we could create an interesting piece of content for them. The data team at Found requested access to their historical data (all anonymised of course) to see if they had an interesting story to tell.

Turns out, they did. We compiled the data into a coherent flow and pulled out an interesting story. The result was that we could use Hamilton Fraser’s claims data to predict storm patterns and show a correlation between London’s old Victorian plumbing and the abnormally high rate of damage from water escaping.

My Role: My role in the campaign was the strategist and was responsible for telling the story and visualising how the piece was going to look. I was also responsible for editing the final piece.

Telling an interesting story through Hamilton Fraser’s data.

Telling an interesting story through Hamilton Fraser’s data.

For a fun couple of minutes, check out the wonderful women we found who were happy to talk about their experiences wearing trousers at work.

For a fun couple of minutes, check out the wonderful women we found who were happy to talk about their experiences wearing trousers at work.


The Project: In 2019 we conducted a survey for Bonmarché asking women about their trousers. One question we included was about whether or not any women had been told there were not allowed to wear trousers at work, surprisingly 37% of women in London said that they had been told that they could not wear trousers at work.

To find out more about this we created a Vox pop style video and interviewed women on the streets of London to find out if any of them had.

My Role: For this project I was a producer and editor on the video and I also edited the copy on the landing page.



The Project: We are experiencing a modern day phenomena. Never before have companies seen such high levels of employee turnover and burnout.

Resource Guru came to us and asked us what kind of think piece we would create for them. I proposed we focus on the increasing trend of high staff turnover and burnout. They agreed.

The piece turned out brilliantly. The overall message and advice is one that I am really proud to have had the opportunity to have worked on.

My Role: For this project I was the strategist, oversaw the copywriting and the research. I also edited the piece for delivery.

A long form piece that tells an interesting story with data.

A long form piece that tells an interesting story with data.

Mental health in construction

Mental health in construction

Randstad - the future of construction

The Project: There’s a real problem in the construction business in the UK. The threat of Brexit looms large and the industry has found itself at a crossroads. They are in desperate need of a change, and there are lots of people within the industry pushing for change.

We created a series of videos highlighting people who are the faces of change within the industry.

The message is a powerful one and I urge people to listen the stories.

My Role: For this project I wrote most of the copy and helped to design the landing page.



The Project: How do you make broadband speed interesting? Easy, you animate a video about sending make believe rockets to the moon… Sounds easy, I guess.

Hoppy (Comparison website) wanted us to make a piece of content about Broadband, they didn’t mind what it was, just as long as it was interesting. SoI came up with the idea to make a video that uses mathematics to compare the speed of broadband to the speed of travel. I left that part up to the mathematicians in the data team, but the end result was a lot of fun and painted an easy to understand picture of the difference in broadband speed.

For this project I was the strategist for the concept, wrote and edited the script, directed and produced the video, and wrote the landing page copy.

My Role: For this project I was the strategist, wrote and edited the script, directed and produced the video, and wrote the landing page copy.

The Hoppy rockets ready for launch

The Hoppy rockets ready for launch

Lessons for teachers from around the world

Lessons for teachers from around the world

Randstad - lessons from around the world

The Project: Randstad came to us and asked us to help them celebrate international teachers day. With a small budget we recommended they produce an informative infographic that showed how countries around the world teach.

The page showed why some countries are performing so well in the OECD’s PISA tests and what the UK could learn. The research also highlighted some countries that are making serious gains in the rankings and why.

My Role: For this project I was the strategist, wrote and edited the copy, visualised and helped build the landing page.


Below are some of the blog posts I’ve written over the years.


From Apocabox to Zebrabox, have subscription services reached their peak?

An article for outré creative
Read more here.


11 common English mistakes you’ll (hopefully) never make again

An article for Everjobs.
Read the post here.


7 Simple ways to boost company morale

An article for Everjobs.
Read more here.


How to sell yourself during an interview

An article for Everjobs.
Read more here.


The importance of HR for NGOs

An article for Everjobs.
Read more here.


why you should improve your employer brand

An article for Everjobs.
Read more here.


What’s your superpower?

An article for Everjobs.
Read more here.


Put the humanity back into hr

An article for Everjobs.

Read more here.


Interview tips: 7 things you should never say

An article for Everjobs.
Read more here.